This actually loaded above, but I started this one on Saturday night, July 25. I ended up staying up until three a.m. which was so strange. I completely lost track of time and had no idea I'd been out there for four hours. So this was done at night. Even though they are "organic" forms, shells are so mathematical in their shapes, they are difficult to draw, or at least I find them challenging. I had to redraw this one several times and I'm still not entirely certain I got the true shape of it.

I have been working on something every day, it's just that it hasn't been all that fabuloso. I will post the last stuff I've been doing although these will probably get more attention paid to them in the next few days before they are finished. This was from Friday, July 24, on campus. There were sheep in that field and I was planning on having them be part of the picture, but they had other plans and took off for greener pastures after I'd set up. They really do act like sheep and followed the leader. In fact, they were very efficient about it and while I was getting my brushes together, I happened to look down for maybe a minute, maybe two and when I looked up again, they were gone. So, I concentrated on the tree in the foreground. I'm very interested in how things in the foreground are so dark while further away, tends to fade in value. I wanted to lock in the composition, although I'm not sure it's succeeding. I still might work on this, trying to unify the whole plane...we'll see.
I started another still life last night, July 26 and will post later today. Today, Monday, July 27, I'll be going out to Sacramento and will post a landscape later.